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The best dota 2 pc game and hold big prize tournaments


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Dota 2 is played by 2 teams of 5 players, each team has a base located in the corner of the map, each base has a building called "Ancient", where the team must try to destroy the "Ancient" opposing team in order to win the match . Each player can only control one "Hero" character who focuses on leveling up, collecting gold, buying items and fighting against the opposing team to win.

Development of Dota 2 started in 2009. When DotA mod developer, Icefrog, was hired by Valve as the main designer. Dota 2 was praised by critics for its gameplay, build quality and loyalty to the gameplay of its predecessor (DotA mod Warcraft 3). but Dota 2 also drew criticism for games that were difficult to learn and unfriendly players. Until mid-2017, Dota 2 was the game that had the most player activity on Steam, with up to 800,000 players online simultaneously every day. However, this is followed by the PUBG game (Player unknown's battle ground) which has activity of up to 1 million players every day


For more dota 2 videos,click the link below to watch now :

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